Departure from Christ Church

After around 8 years service in the choir stalls at Christ Church, I’m due to hang up my cassock for the last time at the end of June 2015.

I joined the choir as Lay Vicar in April 2007, having just moved to Dublin from Edinburgh. I knew nobody in the city, had no job and nowhere to live, and the choir and congregation of Christ Church quickly became my urban family and support network.

Over the years since then I’ve been privileged to sing some amazing music with some equally amazing people, and have also acquired some lifelong memories. My singing, and my appreciation of music and liturgy, have all blossomed in the cathedral choir. But as with all good things, it must eventually come to an end.

For the last few months I’ve been feeling near end of my journey as a Lay Vicar. I guess I just don’t enjoy it as much as I used to, and feel some time away from singing will be a good thing – at least in the short term.

I’m also looking forward to reclaiming my Thursday evenings and Sundays!

In the mean time, I’m currently in the throws of Holy Week, with Easter only a few days away. After that’s there’s only about two and a half months of next term to go until I leave in the summer – and I’m sure the time will fly.

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