
Dictionary definition of Grooming

Do you call it Refinement or Grooming?

I don’t know about you, but the word ‘grooming’ has some very negative connotations for me. It can be used entirely innocently – such as in the context of pet grooming, or for personal grooming – but certainly here in Ireland and the UK the word is often associated with child exploitation and abuse. So …

Splitting user stories

Sometimes it’s hard to break down a user story into smaller parts. There’s a piece of work, and it seems that it all needs to be done together, but it’s much too large to fit into a single sprint, so what do we do? Horizontal vs Vertical It’s often tempting to slice a story horizontally. …

Working from home as a Product Owner

With many companies around the world asking staff to work from home during the current COVID-19 virus outbreak, we’re all having to adapt to a new way of working. So how do we, as Product Owners / Managers, help keep our team productive during this time? Communication is everything When everyone is working from home …

How do we manage bugs?

We had one of our Client Managers complaining recently that their urgent bugs hadn’t been fixed, and so a meeting was called to discuss it. There were various opinions expressed: “We should fix these particular bugs more quickly” “We should get each team to take more bugs in during sprint planning” “We should set up …

Mario and Julia are new starts

Both are junior members of staff without much prior experience. Mario is taking on his first role as a Product Owner and Julia is a Developer. How are they both supported and trained when they join their agile squad? Julia joins a team of experienced developers, and she can spend some time shadowing other team …

Are my user stories too long?

As a Product Owner its tempting to try and capture as much detail as possible on a user story. I might start with a simple requirement, but then end up adding loads of additional information! Of course, we all know that a user story, at its essence is just meant to be a statement in …

How can a Product Owner be on multiple teams?

In an ideal world, there should be one Product Owner for one agile development team or squad. Or at a stretch, maybe one Product Owner for two teams, if they’re working on the same backlog. At the moment, I’m not in that ideal world. My current project has five squads working on different epics, and …

Equifax does Countdown Champions

We had good fun in the office this week playing “Equifax does Countdown”, our take on the popular Channel 4 daytime TV show. I joined with fellow Product Owner Iain to form winning team that granted us the temporary ownership of the teapot trophy.