Singing for Pope Francis

On Saturday 26th August, I joined the Mornington Singers as the anchor choir on stage for the World Meeting of Families Festival of Families concert in Croke Park.

There were an estimated 80,000 people in attendance at the stadium, and a further 400,000 people watching on RTÉ television. That’s certainly one of the largest audiences I’ve ever sung for.

It was an exhilarating if exhausting occasion. On top of all the preparation before the event, the choir were putting in 13 hour days on both the Friday and Saturday for rehearsals and technical run-throughs at Croke Park.

However it was worth it to be able to take part in such a huge event, and to share the stage with Andrea Bocelli, The Riverdance Troupe, Nathan Carter, Daniel O’Donnell, and Celine Byrne.

View from the stage during rehearsals
Backstage during the concert


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