Showing 5 result(s)

How can a Product Owner be on multiple teams?

In an ideal world, there should be one Product Owner for one agile development team or squad. Or at a stretch, maybe one Product Owner for two teams, if they’re working on the same backlog. At the moment, I’m not in that ideal world. My current project has five squads working on different epics, and …

Equifax does Countdown Champions

We had good fun in the office this week playing “Equifax does Countdown”, our take on the popular Channel 4 daytime TV show. I joined with fellow Product Owner Iain to form winning team that granted us the temporary ownership of the teapot trophy.

Agile Lean Ireland

It was great to go along to the Agile-Lean Ireland conference yesterday at Croke Park. The event attracted over 500 delegates – over double the amount from last year – from all over Ireland and beyond, and some top-quality Irish and international speakers. It’s great to see the Agile community so engaged with sharing their …

Agile Training

One of the exciting roles I play in my organisation is passing on some of my knowledge of agile working to new colleagues. I’ve delivered a few Agile Overview courses during the last few months, primarily for new Product Owners and Scrum Masters – but also for some of the developers and managers as well. …

Business Intelligence

The role of Business Intelligence seems only to have come to the fore in the last few years, as organisations have become more reliant upon solid information to support their decision making, and as Business Intelligence tools have become more prevalent. Reporting has been around for a long time, in one shape or other – including …