Agile Lean Ireland

It was great to go along to the Agile-Lean Ireland conference yesterday at Croke Park.

The event attracted over 500 delegates – over double the amount from last year – from all over Ireland and beyond, and some top-quality Irish and international speakers.

It’s great to see the Agile community so engaged with sharing their experiences, and it was nice to bump into former colleagues and friend that were all attending the event.

The conference seemed really busy, and I’m only sorry that I wasn’t able to catch more of the speakers. Apart from the key note speakers, there were different presentations taking place in four different rooms, and a lot of time I found myself dashing between rooms to make sure I saw a good mix of presenters.

It was also great to see three speakers from my own company delivering presentations. It’s almost inspired me to speak at the next event!

Often with these conferences the tickets cost hundreds of euros, so it was especially good that this was a community-led event staffed by volunteers that helped keep the ticket prices down. The volunteers worked tirelessly throughout the day, and deserve all of our thanks!

Agile-Lean Ireland Conference Volunteers 

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